Friday, September 17, 2010

Traditional Touring Bikes On Road Village

Traditional Touring Bikes – Cycle Touring Specifically For Traditional Road Bali Touring

This ‘special ‘ package is unique to Eastern Bali Adventure Tours. Offering cycling adventure followed by entrance into the traditional road village, and Balinese Farm.
On arrival at the Village you can interact to comunity and enjoy our exotic traditional farming, then watch the ‘how comunity live in the village in uniqly.

Having beverage in the village such as coconut, palm wine and any kind of fruits.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Photograph on Spiritual places and Bali Home

Nearly every culture in human history has sought to honor the divine, the mysterious, the supernatural, or the extraordinary in some way. Most often this happens at sacred sites - special places where the physical world seems to meet the spiritual world. These might be awe-inspiring natural places, sites connected to a god, a saint or a hero, places where miracles occurred, or special buildings consecrated for worship or ritual.

Sacred sites remain spiritually meaningful to millions today and the ancient practice of pilgrimage is as popular as ever. But you don't have to be a believer to recognize that holy places, religious architecture, and sacred art are some of the most beautiful and interesting sights you'll encounter in your travels.

Sacred Destinations is an ecumenical guide to more than 100 sacred sites, holy places, pilgrimage destinations, religious architecture and sacred art in over 5 distric around the estern bali.

Happy exploring!

Making Photograph on spiritual places especially in eastern Paradise Bali is many places can we find, because eastern bali is still origin and far from city, so you can find many majestic places and many spiritual scene can be background on your photograph.

Bali Home is a brand of the village in eastern bali, no technology, no chemichal and less of artcitech plan. You can fell Bali before//

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Art Event and Weeding Organizer


Wedding package in spirit atmosfere on eastern Bali Paradise is special momment in your life, spirit can cover your long life marriage.

Weeding in Bali Traditional Home also an exciting momment while in Bali, we have community to support your wedding.

also we provide wedding photography & videography service, experience capture wedding moments with candid and photo journalism style. We deliver your wedding to be unforgettable in extraordinary wedding pictures.

Healing and Practice AUM Yoga

Yoga (Aksara Dewanagari) dari bahasa Sansekerta berarti “penyatuan”, yang bermakna “penyatuan dengan alam” atau “penyatuan dengan Sang Pencipta”. Yoga merupakan salah satu dari enam ajaran dalam filsafat Hindu, yang menitikberatkan pada aktivitas meditasi atau tapa di mana seseorang memusatkan seluruh pikiran untuk mengontrol panca inderanya dan tubuhnya secara keseluruhan. Masyarakat global umumnya mengenal Yoga sebagai aktivitas latihan utamanya asana (postur) bagian dari Hatta Yoga. Yoga juga digunakan sebagai salah satu pengobatan alternatif, biasanya hal ini dilakukan dengan latihan pernapasan, oleh tubuh dan meditasi, yang telah dikenal dan dipraktekkan selama lebih dari 5000 tahun. Orang yang melakukan tapa yoga disebut yogi, yogin bagi praktisi pria dan yogini bagi praktisi wanita. Sastra Hindu yang memuat ajaran Yoga, diantaranya adalah Upaishad, Bhagavad Gita, Yogasutra, Hatta Yoga serta beberapa sastra lainnya. Klasifikasi ajaran Yoga tertuang dalam Bhagavad Gita, diantaranya adalah Karma Yoga/Marga, Jnana Yoga/Marga, Bakti Yoga/Marga, Raja Yoga/Marga. Yoga memberi ketenangan bagi mahluk hidup yang keseharian hidupnya dipenuhi hiruk-pikuk dan kompleksitas. Motivasi manusia berbeda satu dengan yang lain, ada yang ingin mendapatkan anuegarh alam dengan menyerap hawa halus alam melalui yoga, merestorasi olah pikiran agar lebih terkonsentrasi dan mengarah pada satu titik tujuan hidup yang sejati, memperoleh anugerah kesehatan yang alami, memusatkan energi diri ( kundalini ) pada tahap kehidupan yang diinginkan, tahap kepedulian terhadap kehidupan spiritual mereka, atau ada juga yang hanya mengikuti karena situasi lingkungan saat ini dan sebagainya .

Tehnik Yoga :

Gerakan Fisik / Olah tubuh

Olah Nafas / Wirama

Olah Pikiran / Jnana

Keseimbangan /Mudra

Pembersihan / SatKarma

Konsentrasi / Dharana

Meditasi / Dyana

Penyatuan Diri / Samadhi

Pembebasan / Self Realitation

Kebahagiaan / Hasya


 Healing Event

 Tour and Adventure On Sipirit Places

 Sport On Spirit Land


 Budakeling ; Holy Village and Pandith ( Munk )Houses

 BadaBudu Hill ( Budha Budi ); Full of Energy Spirit

 Tirtagangga ; Holy Spring Water

 Taman Ujung ; Place for Lango ( Relax & Happy healing )

 Lempuyang ; Based of Life( Light of Earth )

 Besakih ; Paradise Knowledge in Bali

 Tenganan Village ; Clasical Bali Age

Trekking and Hiking Imperium Mount in Hidden Paradise East Bali

Located in Indonesia, the is land Bali is picturesque from its rice paddies tripping down hillsides like giant steps, to its volcanoes soaring through the clouds, dense tropical jungles, long sandy beaches, warm blue water, amazing waves. There is a reason why Bali is constantly rated one of the best places to take a vacation in the world and such a popular destination to visit.
For those looking for a great tropical island holiday, Bali is a premier destination for tourists. No matter if you want an active vacation, a tropical vacation, or a pampered vacation, Bali has it all.

Trekking and Hiking Imperium Royal Maountain in Bali is one's of spiritual activity have to joint while in Bali. Many imperium places are in Eastern Bali such us Mount Agung, Mount Lempuyang, Mount Rwa Bhineda and BadaBudu ( Budha Hill ).

Imperium Mount Agung
Located in East Bali, its the daddy of them all and takes from 5-7 hours to hike up, depending from where you start. The long trek is from Pura Besakih, the shorter route from Pura Pasar Agung on the southern side. The hike is free, guides available if you need them. Best plan is to stay at a guest house in Selat, or close to Pura Besakih, the night before, arrange our transport or drive yourself to the trail-heads, early in the morning (midnight or 2am depending on what side you’re coming from). Driving time from Kuta is 3 hours.

Balinese Dance and Ensamble Training Practice

A gamelan is a musical ensemble from Indonesia, typically from the islands of Bali or Java, featuring a variety of instruments such as drums and gongs; bamboo flutes, bowed and plucked strings and instruments resembling metallophones and xylophones. Vocalists may also be included.

The term refers more to the set of instruments than to the players of those instruments. A gamelan is a set of instruments as a distinct entity, built and tuned to stay together — instruments from different gamelan are generally not interchangeable.

The word "gamelan" comes from the Javanese word "gamels", meaning to strike or hammer, and the suffix "an", which makes the root a collective noun. Real hammers are not used to play these instruments as heavy iron hammers would break the delicate instruments.
Like Bali’s music traditions, Balinese dance encompasses a wide range of styles and forms. This is no surprise, since dance and music co-evolved and are seen as inseparable: Details of music and dance are tightly coordinated, and an ideal of perfect unity is sought in every gesture, nuance, expression, phrase, and rhythmic change.

The gamelan gong kebyar is the most prevalent type of bronze orchestra in Bali, requiring about 25 musicians. It takes its name from the dynamic kebyar style which was born in the early twentieth century-a time of tumultuous political and social change, reflected in music of contrasting moods, and powerful, virtuosic character.

Making The Highset Class Of Balinese Weeding Dress Training and Practice

Balinese Wedding Ceremony is a unique wedding procession based on Balinese Hindu rituals. As usual wedding ceremony, Balinese Wedding ceremony is unforgettable momentum for the human being where the procession is followed by Hindu rituals, custom regulation and the perfect day based on Balinese Hindu Calendar. A marriage couple will use the beautiful uniforms which are all adapted from the local during the procession. In this site, you can see a selected photo of Balinese Wedding Ceremony

Not every balinese man have a chance to wear this exclusive royal attire.

We provide training and practice how to make The highest class of Balinese weeding dress with experience trainers, and also we can show how to make the material all of them.


Eastern Bali Spiritual & Art Activities

1. Art Event and Weeding Organizer
2. Healing and Practice AUM Yoga
3. Tracking and Hiking Imperium Mount in Hidden Paradise
4. Cycling in the road village and having drink in traditional Bali Home
5. Making Photograph in spiritual atmosfere and Traditional Bali Village.
6. Other Atraction on Eastern Paradise Bali :
- Dance and Ensemble Training
- Making Balinese Highest Dress Wedding Training and Practice